With information so readily available online on any and every topic under the sun, it’s understandable to get overwhelmed or confused by the sheer volume of it all. While there is a lot of great, useful knowledge accessible, there’s also quite a bit of misinformation floating around on any given subject, and that includes industrial lubrication. That’s why you have the professionals at LH Travis here to provide you with valuable, real information.

Let’s Clear Up Some Misconceptions
As industrial lubrication specialists, we at LH Travis take the role played by lubricants pretty seriously. There are a few things we want to make sure you know.

  • Myth 1: Lubricating equipment doesn’t really matter.
    Nothing could be further from the truth here. Bearing failure is the most common reason for machine failure and lost productivity, and the main cause of bearing failure is improper lubrication. The financial cost of poor lubricating habits can be astronomical.
  • Myth 2: Oil is oil and grease is grease; it doesn’t matter what I use or how it’s applied.
    No. It absolutely does matter that you use the right amount of the right lubricant in the right place at the right time using the right procedure. Again, any wrongs here will end up costing you and your company money.
  • Myth 3: Industrial lubrication is an acceptable place to cut corners and costs.
    To reiterate – cutting corners or taking shortcuts on your lubrication procedures will never save you anything in the long run. It’s just going to wind up costing more in repairs and downtime when repairs need to be made because you skimped on the right lubricants for your equipment.

When in Doubt, Ask LH Travis
Anytime you have a question about industrial lubrication, no matter what it’s about, you can count on LH Travis to give you clear, correct information. We’re not here to sell you products you don’t need – we’re here to provide the goods and services that will improve your overall efficiency.