Our on-site system installation, conducted by trained technicians with fully-equipped service vehicles, allows us to be entirely self-sufficient.

All of our vehicles have the necessary tools, including welding equipment and on-site inventory, to adapt to on-site changes and complete our installations in a timely manner. Using our qualified installation personnel means lower total install costs for you.

However, if you would like us to work with your local maintenance personnel during the installation, we can also provide hands-on training. Your personnel can work alongside our technicians during your installation. All installations will be quoted turnkey and performed according to Lincoln Industrial’s specifications and guidelines.

A typical automatic lubrication system installation includes:

  • Pre-installation phone call to confirm details of installation
  • Pre-installation application inspection and review
  • Pre-installation attendance at any local safety program
  • Confirmation of installer’s PPE/MSHA certifications, if required
  • Proof of insurance, if required
  • Check-in with designated contact upon arrival
  • Review of installation details upon arrival with designated contact
  • Adaptation of lubrication system, if feasible, based upon input from local operating personnel
  • Site clean-up at the end of each day
  • Final walk-around to review the installation with local contact
  • Post-installation on-site training with your operating or maintenance team as desired