When it comes to food-grade lubricants, common sense should prevail. The type of machinery used doesn’t matter as much as whether the lubricant may come into contact with any food products. The technicians here at LH Travis have plenty of experience with food-grade lubricants and their application, and we are always happy to advise you.

The Skinny on Food-Grade Lubricants

There are three designations of lubricants established by the United States Department of Agriculture for use in food-related facilities. This includes facilities where food packaging materials are manufactured as well as the actual factories producing edible products. LH Travis is familiar with the delicate needs of machinery, and we know the best way to keep your equipment lubricated.

  • H1 lubricants are food-grade lubricants that are used in environments where there is the possibility of incidental food contact. These are the lubricants most commonly referred to as “food-grade lubricants.” There are restrictions on the formulations of these lubricants, and only a trace amount (we’re talking 10 parts per million) of the lubricant can be found in the food before the product is deemed unsafe.
  • H2 lubricants can only be used when there is no possibility of incidental food contact. These lubricants cannot contain any carcinogens, mutagens, teratogens, mineral acids, or heavy metals.
  • H3 lubricants are certified as edible oils by the FDA and are most often used to clean and prevent rust on things like hooks, trolleys and other equipment that is likely to come into contact with food products.

Get the Right Lubricant From LH Travis

Consult the experts here at LH Travis for help determining which lubricant application equipment is best for you.