Before you can start getting reliable, consistent lubrication from your automatic lubrication system, you’ll first need to have it successfully installed. But this process is far more than simply plugging the system in. Let’s take a closer look at this process and how LH Travis works with you every step of the way for the perfect install. 

Automatic Lubrication System Installation, From Start to Finish
When you install an automatic lubrication system with LH Travis, our trained technicians bring their fully-equipped service vehicles to you. Our vehicles have all the tools needed for installation, including welding equipment, so we can be self-sufficient and adapt to on-site changes. Using our own qualified personnel also allows us to provide lower install costs. 

We’re also able to work with your local maintenance personnel during installation, as well as provide hands-on training on proper use and maintenance of your automatic lubrication system. 

A typical automatic lubrication system installation will involve:

  • A pre-installation phone call, where we confirm the details of your installation
  • A pre-installation application inspection and review and pre-installation attendance at a local safety program
  • Confirmation of installer’s PPE/MSHA certifications and confirmation of proof of insurance, if required
  • A check-in and review of installation details with a designated contact
  • Adaptation of the automatic lubrication system based upon input from the local operating personnel, if feasible
  • Site clean-up at the end of each work day
  • A final walk-around to review the installation with the designated contact
  • Post-installation on-site training with your operating and/or maintenance team as desired

We perform all our installations according to Lincoln Industrial’s specifications and guidelines. Combined with the knowledge and experience of our technicians, this ensures you receive a top quality installation, every time. 

A Quality System Installation Ensures Long Term Performance
Thanks to our skilled technicians and fully-equipped service vehicles, we provide quality and efficient installation of automatic lubrication systems every time. Interested in an automatic lubrication system for your facilities? Contact LH Travis today to get started.