Being in the habit of reacting to problems instead of preventing them can be detrimental to any organization’s productivity, and this is certainly true when it comes to machine maintenance. At LH Travis, we’ve seen this many times over the years – companies that get stuck in a cycle of putting off necessary maintenance until something breaks down, then hastily making repairs to get back up and running, only to be continuously plagued with malfunctions and unexpected downtime. Fortunately, there is a solution.

Break the Cycle
The important thing to remember is the adage: “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” The first steps toward breaking the reactive maintenance routine are education and commitment. Everyone needs to be on board with the new system in order for it to work. From the top down, management, supervisors, and crew all need to fully understand and support the benefits of servicing equipment preemptively to maintain reliability.

We at LH Travis understand that many decisions still boil down to the cost factor. This is where someone will need to just do the math to show how much money is being wasted on shoddy repairs and unplanned downtime. Investing a bit more money wisely initially is going to cost way less in the long run.

Get Organized
Next, appoint an effective, organized worker to devise a schedule for consistent maintenance to be performed. Planning ahead makes it easier to manage downtime to minimize any loss of productivity. 

Communication among team members is imperative for an effective maintenance plan to work. Operators need to feel comfortable bringing any issues they observe to the attention of the maintenance team. Help prevent clashing egos on the floor by fostering a spirit of goal-oriented teamwork. 

Make LH Travis a Part of the Process
Having LH Travis install automatic lubrication systems throughout your processes is a great, cost-effective way to improve your maintenance routine. Lighten the load on your maintenance techs while keeping your bottom line where you like it – low.