“Lubrication tasks” include a wide array of duties, including inspection, monitoring, and relubrication. By making your lubrication tasks more streamlined and efficient, you can reduce your operating costs and improve your bottom line. In this post, the pros at LH Travis will go over some of the best ways to streamline your lubrication practices. 

Use the Right Software

The right software can be a major help for helping you keep your lubrication tasks under control. Routing software can account for the travel time between the lube room and equipment, the time required to gather supplies, and more. It can help you understand the time requirements for different tasks to help you better plan your approach. 

Make Routing Simpler

Determining the most efficient order to complete lubrication tasks is a major time saver. An optimized route reduces unnecessary back and forth, allowing you to make quick, efficient progression from task to task. 

Improve Training

If personnel don’t know what they’re doing, it’s hard to be efficient. With a robust, thorough training program, you can ensure your staff is fully trained on how to complete lubrication tasks, not only cutting down on man hours but also reducing the risk of improper usage and costly repairs. Want help with training? LH Travis provides hands-on training to improve your lubrication practices.

Choose a ‘Lubrication Champion’

A “lubrication champion” is somebody who is responsible for overseeing all aspects of lubrication procedures in a given facility. With their broad overview of the entire lubrication process, they can help streamline lubrication tasks with ease and ensure best practices are always implemented.

Want Help Streamlining Your Lubrication Tasks? LH Travis Can Help

If you want to make your operations more efficient and improve your bottom line, you don’t have to do it alone — the pros at LH Travis are here to help. We’re here to lend our experience to help you make your operations as efficient as possible. Contact us today to learn more!