Automatic lubrication systems are nothing new, but despite that, there are still many misconceptions people have about these devices. In this article, the LH Travis team will dispel some of those common misconceptions to help you better understand automatic lubrication. 

1. Automatic Lubrication Systems Are Only for Large Equipment

When you think of automatic lubrication, it’s likely you think about large equipment like harvesters, excavators, and the like. And while automatic lubrication is great for equipment like this, it’s also useful for smaller equipment, which gets the same benefits from automatic lubrication as larger equipment, ensuring ideal, timely lubrication that reduces downtime. 

2. Automatic Lubrication Systems Are Expensive

Many are worried about the costs of installing an automatic lubrication system. While purchasing and installing a lubrication system can be pricey, costing several thousands of dollars, the return on investment makes it well worth it. The long term cost savings due to reduced downtime, reduced man hours manually lubricating, and the extended lifespan of equipment and parts means that an automatic lubrication system can pay for itself in as little as 9 months

3. Lubrication Problems Can’t Be Found Until Catastrophic Failure Occurs

In older automatic lubrication systems, a single point could go without being greased, leading to surprise catastrophic failure. However, newer systems don’t have this problem.

Modern automatic lubrication systems are designed so that they cannot grease the next point until the prior point has been greased. This will lead to an increase in pressure, opening a pressure release valve and giving a visual indicator that there’s an issue. In other cases pressure sensors are used to alert users to an issue. 

4. Troubleshooting Automatic Lubrication Systems Is Difficult

Automatic lubrication systems are highly reliable, but problems can still occur. Thankfully, diagnosing those problems often requires little more than a few minutes with a wrench. When in doubt, you can always get help from the pros at LH Travis

Work With The Lubrication Specialists at LH Travis

You don’t need to know everything about automatic lubrication systems; let the pros at LH Travis handle that for you! If you have questions, need service, or want to install your own automatic lubrication system, we’ll be ready to help you out quickly and effectively. Contact us today to get started.