Most companies that use a lot of heavy machinery have some equipment that doesn’t get utilized daily and sits in standby mode. This equipment is still important and needs to work properly when it’s necessary. For this reason, LH Travis has a few tips for keeping standby equipment properly lubricated so it will be ready to run at a moment’s notice.

Maintaining Standby Equipment
The main issue when it comes to the proper functioning of standby equipment is that the oil or grease used to lubricate the moving parts doesn’t always handle long periods of disuse well. The lubricant can go bad without it being noticed, or it may drain away from where it needs to be, causing a host of problems if not detected before running the equipment.

  • Regular inspections: Our first recommendation is to ensure that all standby equipment receives regular inspection and maintenance. It may not be necessary to check it as often as the regularly used machines, but a monthly check should be the minimum standard.
  • Intermittent use. If it’s possible to rotate standby equipment with the regularly used equipment, do that. This strategy will reduce the wear-and-tear on machines that are used on a daily basis while allowing your technicians to catch problems with standby equipment more easily. When a rotation schedule isn’t feasible, consider monthly testing of standby equipment to ensure everything works as it should.
  • Consider other lubricant options: One other possible method of preserving lubricant integrity is to invest in a higher quality oil or grease for standby equipment. There are premium base stocks and additives available that can withstand longer idle times. They may cost a bit more but can save you in the long run by preventing equipment malfunction due to lubrication issues, as well as how frequently you need to change out the unused lubricant.

LH Travis Has the Info You Need
If you need more detailed information on what lubricants would best serve your specific standby equipment, call LH Travis at (863) 967-0628 for a consultation.