You’ve invested money into getting the right lubricants for your equipment, and we at LH Travis want you to get the most for your money. You’ve trained your maintenance technicians on the proper usage of those lubricants, and you are confident that your procedures are up to par. That’s great, but have you ensured that those lubricants are going to be of the same quality by the time they are put to use as when they entered your work site? 

Cross-Contamination Costs Money
In order for the lubricants you’ve purchased to remain at peak quality, they must be stored and handled properly to avoid cross-contamination. 

Cross-contamination can occur easily if the same equipment is used with different lubricants. This can be buckets, funnels, grease guns, or anything else the product comes in contact with. Some of the problems that can result from lubricants mixing are oxidation, additive loss, or changes to the viscosity of the substance. 

When the integrity of a lubricant is compromised by cross-contamination, it can lead to machine failure due to accelerated varnish deposits, premature filter plugging, or boundary conditions caused by a loss of film strength. Machine failures cost money, so preventing incidental mixing of lubricants is imperative. 

At LH Travis, we recommend preventing cross-contamination by using hermetically sealed top-up containers that are clearly labeled with the specific lubricant inside. Instead of using the same plastic funnel for multiple purposes, use disposable filters to ensure that there is no residue lingering from a previous application. Disposable funnels also help protect against dirt and debris collecting on a multipurpose funnel, which can then introduce environmental contaminants into the lubricants. 

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As Central Florida’s leading supplier of industrial lubrication equipment and products, LH Travis is dedicated to ensuring that local companies have everything they need to keep their equipment running smoothly. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn to keep up with the latest tips and trends on getting the most out of your oils and greases.