In the industrial world of machinery and automated equipment, friction is the enemy – and lubrication is the weapon we use to defeat it. As your ally in the fight against friction, LH Travis would like to expound on the value of one of the handiest tools for dispensing lubricant accurately where it’s most needed – we want to talk about grease guns today.


Point and Shoot

The grease gun is a staple in any maintenance technician’s arsenal. When properly deployed, a grease gun is accurate and highly effective. However, when used or stored improperly, it becomes very dangerous and is capable of destroying the very equipment it’s intended to protect.


More Isn’t Necessarily Better

One of the biggest mistakes we see at LH Travis when it comes to using a grease gun is the practice of applying too much lubricant to a given point. The reasoning behind this tends to be the thought that if a little bit of grease is good, then more must be better. The problem here is that applying too much grease is going to cause an overflow at the bearing cavity, which can cause a number of problems. Grease outside of the cavity can easily become contaminated and then get sucked back into the cavity, thereby spreading contamination throughout the lubricated system.


Appropriate Attachments

Having the right attachment for the point being lubricated is another area in which oversight is common. Using the wrong type of coupler or tube can inhibit the technician’s ability to maneuver the tip of the gun into the correct position to effectively apply the grease. There are some additional optional attachments that can greatly improve efficiency and prevent contamination, too, like color-coded plastic caps to block debris and indicate what type of grease is loaded.


LH Travis Has Your Back

When you’re not certain about how to best lubricate a machine or what type of lubrication system would be most appropriate, LH Travis is here to help. Let our experts visit your site and provide an assessment of your maintenance needs.